Brochure printing Sydney – Impact of paper colour

Brochure printing Sydney – Impact of paper colour

When planning for Brochure printing Sydney, not many consider the impact of the paper colour. The cream tint of the paper will have an impact on the printing ink as well as the final outcome. The colour of the substrate affects the red and blue hues which can have an impact on brochure printing Sydney.

Process inks are transparent and the colour of the substrate does alter the colour of the ink. One can get an idea of the final outcome by either using press proof, which can be expensive or, by producing a digital print on the off-white custom printing stock.

To rule out any impact due to the paper colour, one can use white paper for brochure printing Sydney while simulating the yellowy shades of the cream printing stock. The background can be printed in a tint of light yellow for brochure printing Sydney.